1. Creating a mailbox

You can create your own mailaccount here. The address will be username@mail.i2p for mails sent within the I2P network and username@i2pmail.org when dealing with the outside world. Please read and accept the rules

The Rules:

  1. Use at your own risk!

  2. Do not use your account for criminal or illegal activity, like phishing, stalking, illegal substance trade etc etc. Abusers will be disabled immediately!

  3. Don’t use this service to spam / harass / threat other users or internet addresses.
  4. Don’t abuse this service by sending large number of mails to a big number or recipients
  5. Don’t use small poll intervals for the POP3 service.

  6. Do not store your mail forever. Fetch and delete your mails as soon as possible!
  7. Delete your account, when you’re done testing of finished playing around.
  8. Please report any problems to postman on IRC ( irc2p )
  9. Don’t send mails to your normal internet mailaccount ( this weakens your anonymity)

  10. Commercial use of this service is not allowed.
  11. Your username may only consist of letters and numbers

    Passwords can contain additional characters (_-#+~.;,&)

    desired accountname: @mail.i2p
    desired password:
    repeat password:
    Your nick/handle:
    Do you want to appear in the
    public addressbook?